Reflections on St. Joseph and Living as a Salesian Brother

St. Joseph And Religious Brothers Day 2024

With contributions by Brs. Bernie Dubé, Travis Gunther, and Tom Sweeney, SDBs

The feast of St. Joseph the Worker is Wednesday, May 1. It is also Religious Brothers Day, and we asked some of our brothers to share some short reflections with us. Here is what three of them had to say.

“St. Joseph has been an inspiration to me, by his faith, his courage, and as a role model as a good father, husband, and provider.”

- Br. Bernie Dubé, SDB, New Rochelle, NY

“For me, being a brother now for 12 years has been a joyful adventure with many ups and downs. The term that best describes my life as a brother is an enigma. Most, including my own family, cannot quite put their finger on what it is. There does not seem to be any advantage to this lifestyle. To many, it just seems like giving up family, riches, and freedom with nothing in particular in exchange. But the beautiful exchange is that I receive my community and the young as a gift and a way to respond to God's call for me to love. By His grace and the help of my brothers, I get to do it day by day.”

- Br. Travis Gunther, SDB, Ramsey, NJ

“My experience living the Salesian vocation as a brother has given me a life of joy, blessings, friendships, and a closer relationship with God that I never thought could be bestowed on a kid from Flushing, NY. The different Salesian communities that I have lived in, the example of my Salesian confreres, and my being accepted for who I am have all helped me to grow and persevere in my Salesian vocation. Last, ministering to young people through our educational approach and being present to them in a variety of ways has given me happiness and enjoyment that can never be measured. I am truly living the vocation God to which has called me to, and I am having a ball.”

- Br. Tom Sweeney, SDB, Takoma Park, MD

April 25, 2024 - 8:00am

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