Presentation of Strenna 2021

Presentation Of Strenna 2021  Hope Moves Us  Behold I Make All Things New Rev. 21 5

(ANS – Rome – August 4, 2020) – After having spoken with many provincials, heard their needs, and following his consultation of members of the general council and leaders of the Salesian Family and the Salesians of the Central Office in Rome, the Rector Major elaborated the theme of the strenna for 2021, emblem of the Salesian response to the current situation generated by the pandemic: “Hope moves us: ‘Behold, I make all things new’ (Rev. 21:5).”

“Thinking about the message that can unite us as a Salesian Family in this year 2021, it is impossible not to take into account that for many months, to a greater or lesser extent, the world, all nations, has remained, if not paralyzed (although many are), certainly blocked,” the Rector Major began in his text presenting the strenna.

At the same time, “our message underlines and reaffirms that, faced with this harsh and painful reality with its heavy consequences, we continue to express the certainty of being moved by hope: because God in his Spirit continues to make ‘all things new,’” he continued.

Illustrating the structure of the strenna’s message, Fr. Fernandez points out that Don Bosco himself experienced many difficult situations—including a cholera epidemic—without losing hope. On the contrary, he always reacted and motivated others to increase their efforts and work even harder.

Moreover, the current era is the opportune time for awareness and commitment in the face of everything that even before the pandemic was not going well. Sadly, we we had become accustomed to many horrors, including the suffering of many people, the epidemics of other less-publicized diseases, damage to creation, etc.

Therefore, the strenna will serve to propose a Salesian reading of the present time in order to learn alternative processes to the dominant culture, capable of achieving a change of values ​​and vision. It shall also maintain Salesian concreteness and propose, at the same time, places and situations, “to learn and exercise hope.” This shall be accomplished while one always allows oneself to be accompanied by Mary, “Mother of God, Star of Hope.”

View original story here. Moreover, the complete text of the presentation of the strenna is available from Tuesday, August 4, in Italian and Spanish, on the website. The presentation will also continue be released in other languages. To view the Presentation of Strenna 2021, click here.

August 12, 2020 - 3:19pm

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