New Rochelle: Salesian High Celebrates the Mass of the Holy Spirit

New Rochelle: Mass of the Holy Spirit 2024
Mrs. Chambers presented with induction gifts
A Salesian High student presents
newly inducted principal Mrs. Chambers
with a statue of Don Bosco with young people,
along with a Rosary of Our Lady.
Photo by Mr. Randy Taveras '15,
Marketing Coordinator/Business Teacher,
Salesian High School

By Ms. Julia St. Clair, Province Communications Director

(New Rochelle, NY – September 18) – On Friday, September 13, Salesian High School held its first Mass of the academic year. The school community celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit at Holy Name of Jesus Church in New Rochelle at 10:00 a.m.

The Mass was celebrated by New Rochelle and Salesian Missions’ Director Fr. Mike Conway. Province Treasurer Fr. Richard Alejunas, Salesian High President Fr. Jim Heuser, Province Archivist Fr. Mike Mendl, SDBs; and Deacon Martin Asiamah from Holy Name of Jesus concelebrated.

During his homily, Fr. Mike Conway detailed how the apostles and disciples felt after Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection, and as he prepared to ascend into heaven. After He heard and saw how lost and confused they felt, Jesus said He’d send the Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) to them. Fr. Mike 

mentioned how we, too, especially high school students, can find ourselves feeling as the disciples and apostles did. He recalled how he felt this during his time in high school, and how he realized “doing what God wants you to do will make you happy.”

Fr. Mike reminded everyone of why we were there—to have the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with His presence, and to pray and ask God to help and guide us. He also emphasized how Jesus is with us, even though we often forget it, and that “Jesus will be tight with you if you’re willing to be tight with Him.” He encouraged everyone to have a relationship with God, who gives us everything we need and will not let us down. At the end of his homily, Fr. Mike reminded us to never despair because we have hope.

Next, Mrs. Cynthia Chambers was inducted as the first female principal of Salesian High School. She was presented with the original charter of Salesian from 1925, along with the official Salesian seal, a statue of Don Bosco with young people, and a Rosary of Our Lady. Afterward, Mrs. Chambers announced three students from the Class of 2025 who won the ATA STEM Scholarship Prizes. The third place winner received $10,000, the second $25,000, and the first place winner $50,000 in scholarships. These scholarships will be applied to the students’ university tuition upon their graduation in 2025.

September 18, 2024 - 8:48am

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