Montreal: 2020 Outdoor "Mini-Camp" a Success

Montreal 2020 Outdoor Mini-Camp

By Fr. Richard Authier, SDB

(Montreal, QC, Canada – August 6) – We at Don Bosco YLC are very proud of our 2020 “Outdoor Mini-Camp.” We offered activities to an average of 55 campers each day. Camp lasted four weeks and offered three days of activities each week. We also always had a “fourth day” to compensate for a day cancelled by rain.

Moreover, we had the required health protocols to protect both children and animators in place. Thank God, we had no COVID-19 cases.

We were able to operate financially because of the grants from the Ville de Montréal, the Federal Canada Summer Grants Programme, as well as the CEWS – Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. These funds permitted us to cover the staff salaries and the operating expenses. Additionally, we collected about $10,000 in registrations from the parents.

Our camp was also able to carry out its Faith Education Mission through “outdoor” Faithspace and Mass moments. The presence of a younger Salesian, Br. Branden Gordon, was a veritable gift to our children and animators.

All in all, a “safe and significant” summer camp experience was shared by everyone.

August 12, 2020 - 10:17am

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