World Youth Day 2016

In Krakow, at the opening of the last World Youth Day, I asked you several times: “Can we change things?” And you shouted: “yes!”. That shout came from your young and youthful hearts, which do not tolerate injustice and cannot bow to a “throw-away culture” nor give in to the globalization of indifference. Listen to the cry arising from your inner selves! Even when you feel, like the prophet Jeremiah, the inexperience of youth, God encourages you to go where He sends you: “Do not be afraid, […], because I am with you to deliver you” (Jeremiah 1:8). (Pope Francis)

O Key of David,
opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom:
come and free the prisoners of darkness!

December 19, 2017 - 4:55pm

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