CRT Young Entrepreneurs

(Tampa – August 12) – Cristo Rey Tampa High School at Mary Help of Christians Center in Tampa launched a Young Entrepreneurs Training (Y.E.T.) program with the help of Trustwork. A group of 20 sophomores and juniors spent three days learning the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and technology from the team at Trustworks. Sunthar Prekumar, David Ko, and Mateo Acebedo traveled from Silicon Valley to Tampa and introduced the students to what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Students began the three-day camp with critical thinking and brainstorming exercises and the basics of coding. Each team developed their business concept, a website, and a presentation. On Tuesday, the young entrepreneurs took to The Tampa Riverwalk and Armature Works to pitch their business concepts to community members. They ended their day with a tour of the University of Tampa Entrepreneurship Center.

The program culminated on Wednesday with each team refining their presentations and presenting them to their teammates and Cristo Rey Tampa staff. Each student received a Trustwork T-shirt and certification of completion for the program.

Trustwork is a company whose mission “is to show the entrepreneur what is possible and to provide the tools to make it happen,” explained David Ko, co-founder at Trustwork. CRTthanks Trustwork for launching this program at CRT and becoming the school’s partners in Silicon Valley.

Y.E.T. is excited for the year ahead!

August 23, 2018 - 11:07am

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