St Philip Res

Story and photos by Lili DeGrasse 

(Tampa, October 22) – On Wednesday, October 17, the Mary Help of Christians CCW hosted an ice cream social for the retired priests and brothers at St. Philip Residence. The Council of Catholic Women have treated our Salesian priests and brothers to festivities such as this for the last several years, and it undeniably brings joy and laughter to the house. Wednesday was no different. First, the women arrived at the end of dinner and served ice cream cake for dessert – ice cream is a great favorite among the SDBs! Next, the men and women gathered in the living room and formed teams: Team St. Francis de Sales, Team St. John Bosco, Team St. Dominic Savio, and Team St. Philip the Apostle. A trivia contest ensued about various Catholic saints. It was a very close competition, but in the end Team St. Philip the Apostle won by one point.

November 7, 2018 - 4:49pm

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