First Annual Salesian Society Gala for Vocations

First Annual Salesian Society Gala For Vocations
Chicago Salesian Gala
The band that performed throughout the evening
Courtesy of Fr. Richard Alejunas, SDB

By Province Treasurer Fr. Richard Alejunas, SDB

(Chicago, IL – July 11) – On Sunday, June 30, over 320 youths and families gathered at Elmcrest Banquets in Elmwood Park, IL, to support the future of Don Bosco’s mission in Canada and the Eastern USA. The funds raised at the event will help young men discerning a Salesian vocation as religious brothers or priests during their candidacy stage of formation/studies.

On behalf of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Province of St. Philip the Apostle (Canada and Eastern USA), many thanks to all the members of the greater Salesian Family!

July 11, 2024 - 8:30am

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