(New Rochelle, N.Y. – August 6) – Fr. Tim Zak and the Province of St. Philip the Apostle welcome Fr. Sathiaseelan Kulandaisamy to the province and to the community of Edmonton, where he arrived on August 3.

Fr. Sathiaseelan wrote to Fr. Tim: “I am happy to join this great province of SUE and offer my services in all my capacity. It will be an enhancing experience for me in my Salesian life and I am always willing to learn and surrender to the works of God. I offer my sincere prayers for you. Kindly do keep me in your valuable prayers. I humbly submit myself to the province of SUE, trusting in Lord Jesus and Mary my mother together with the help of my fellow Salesians.”

Fr. Sathiaseelan professed as a Salesian on May 24, 1987, and was ordained on December 30, 1997. He has worked as a principal in technical schools of the Chennai (Madras) Province for 15 years and a parish priest for 3 years. His experience also includes 10 years’ service as director in three communities. He holds a licentiate (MTh) in systematic theology. For 6 years he was head of the province commission for technical schools.

August 9, 2018 - 11:39am

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