Edmonton: Farewell Brunch for Fr. Saga Devadoss

The farewell breakfast for Fr. Saga Devadoss
Fr. Saga And Mhc Make Rosaries Sn
Fr. Saga Devadoss (left) and two members of the
Mary Help of Christians Group make rosaries
Photo by Angie Cook

By Angie Cook and Toni Maloney

(Edmonton, AB – May 25) – Last week, the Mary Help of Christians Group hosted a farewell brunch for Rev. Fr. Sagayarai "Saga" Devadoss with 17 members and friends in attendance. We are sad to see our shepherd at St. Dominic Savio Parish leave to return home to Chennai after five years. Yet, we are all so pleased for him that he will be taking on a co-ordinator’s role In Chennai. Some of our members received a special shawl from Fr. Saga.

Under Fr. Saga’s guidance, we formed the Mary Help of Christians Group almost two years ago and have a much better understanding of St. John Bosco’s fervent devotion to Mary Help of Christians. We commenced our Novena to Mary Help of Christians on Monday, May 15, and ended with the Holy Mass on Wednesday, May 24.

For 2023, one of our initiatives is to make 200 rosaries for the elementary schools within our parish deanery. The sessions will continue this fall, and we will invite parishioners to join us in completing the rosaries and deliver them to three schools. Even Fr. Saga took an active part in learning how to make the rosaries.

Once again, we thank the Lord for Fr. Saga and wish him all the best on his next assignment. He will be in our thoughts and prayers whenever the group meets.

May 25, 2023 - 8:00am

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