Easter Message of the Provincial

Message of the Provincial 03.27.24

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Salesian Family,

In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, a similar theological point could be deducted from the detail that at Jesus’ death: the veil of the temple sanctuary “was torn in two from top to bottom” (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, and Luke 23:45). The death of Jesus tore down all that separates humanity from God. Particularly as the Savior of the world, He has taken away sins that keep us from God. Thus, He restored the original unity between God and humanity.

Sins also separate people from one another. Consequently, by His death, Jesus restored the unity in the human family. The Gospel of John teaches that Jesus died “to gather into one the dispersed children of God” (John 11:52). All humanity is now united as brothers and sisters in the family of God, the one Father of all.

May this Holy Week renew unity in our world, in the Church, in our communities, and in our families. May Christ, the Conqueror of division, give peace to our world, particularly to our brothers and sisters who suffer due to war, hatred, violence, division, and discrimination. May the Risen Christ renew God’s gift of life that He continues to give us through the sacraments.

As we renew the promises we made at our Baptism and Confirmation and receive God’s gift of forgiveness in Reconciliation, may we be steadfast as instruments of God’s unity. And may the gift of love that Christ now gives us in the Eucharist empower us to bring God’s life and love to one another and all.

Fr. Dominic Tran, SDB

March 27, 2024 - 8:30am

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