To Draw Attention to a Unique Vocation

Message of the Provincial 10.13.22
Banner of St. Artemides Zatti in Rome
Banner of St. Artemides Zatti in Rome
Photo by Fr. Dominic Tran, SDB

Dear Confreres,

We have been richly blessed by the canonization of St. Artemides Zatti. Thanks to the members of our province who are representing us in Rome and Turin. Thanks especially to Fr. Mike Conway and Fr. Dominic Tran for organizing this memorable experience.

The canonization of a saint is not just a spectacular event for those present in St. Peter’s Square. It is the recognition of the practice of heroic virtue in living the Gospel, and therefore its importance extends to all believers. What a grace it is to have a Salesian Brother now be declared a saint! I know the Salesian communities and works have been reading the Rector Major’s letter for this occasion, watching the videos, hanging up posters of Zatti, and checking the Facebook posts of those in Italy. You can access quite a few resources in several languages at, including the 31 minute film Zatti, our Brother. Let’s keep this enthusiasm going, recognizing in Zatti an outstanding example of holiness for us to follow.

As so often happens, Zatti did not become a saint by himself. In an interview, Fr. Ángel emphasized that Zatti formed community, a point that Br. John Rasor also highlighted in his reflections about the saint. Despite his busy day, he rarely missed the activities of the religious community, and Fr. Ángel describes in depth how he formed communion—koinonia—with his colleagues and patients. This ability to foster community flowed from his union with Jesus, which he nourished in the Sacraments, common prayer and personal prayer throughout the day. In this aspect, his life speaks to us today, especially in our society characterized by individualism, to move beyond our comfort zones to help others experience a sense of belonging.

As I learned more about Zatti, I found it interesting that Zatti knew Cardinal Cagliero and Bl. Ceferino Namuncurá. I was impressed by the influence of Fr. Carlo Cavalli and Fr. Evasio Garrone. Fr. Cavalli, the Salesian priest in the parish the Zatti family attended, helped young Artemides discern his vocation to Salesian religious life. Fr. Garrone guided him in his particular ministry to the sick and eventually entrusted this extensive work to Zatti. Both Salesians recognized in Zatti a sensitivity for God, the availability to serve, good will, living an ordinary holiness through his ability to do things well with love—all characteristics that indicated a vocation to Salesian religious life. Today, we are surrounded by young people with these same characteristics. Let’s not overlook these gifts, but recognize them in the young as signs God still calls people to vocations in the Salesian Family. Like Fr. Cavalli and Fr. Garrone, we have to do our part in inviting, guiding and encouraging them to follow this call.

Message of the Provincial 10.13.22 Extra
(from left to right) Br. Bill Hanna,
Fr. Raul Acosta, Fr. Richard Crager,
Fr. Mike Conway, Fr. Dominic Tran, Br. Bernie Dubé,
and Fr. Dieunel Victor, SDB
Photo by Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB

As a Salesian, Zatti was an educator and evangelizer, but not in a school or parish. Fr. Ángel comments that he fulfilled the Salesian mission of education and evangelization in the school of life, more specifically in the field of health care. This is a reminder to us that we are Salesians in all circumstances of life. The Salesian mission is not our job, but integral to our vocation, setting the tenor of our Salesian life. We may finish the day’s work, however we remain available to do all that God asks of us, we continue to practice the "Salesian sacrament of presence," we give credible witness—martyria—to the Resurrection. Zatti inspires us to be authentic and enthusiastic Salesians always and everywhere.

Finally, Fr. Ángel notes that St. Artemides Zatti, the SDB canonized after Don Bosco who is not a martyr, is a Salesian Brother. Let us do all we can to draw attention to this unique vocation and boldly invite our young people to consider finding their path to holiness, like St. Artemides, as a Salesian Brother. If, through the intercession of then-Venerable Zatti, Fr. Jorge Bergoglio received many vocations to the Jesuits, we should be imploring Zatti’s intercession for more vocations to the Salesians!

Congratulations to all our confreres who are celebrating their anniversary of profession or ordination this year. We thank them for their fidelity to God’s call, and we are united in prayer for them.

Fr. Tim Zak

October 13, 2022 - 9:00am

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