DBP Honors Fr. Jim Heuser, SDB

DBP Honors Fr. Jim Heuser, SDB

By Jennifer Passerino, P’15, ’20, Director of Events & Public Relations, Don Bosco Prep, Ramsey, NJ

(Ramsey, NJ – June 29) – On Sunday, June 6, the Don Bosco Prep (DBP) community celebrated, honored, and thanked Fr. Jim Heuser, our beloved director, for his 11 years of service to our school. A beautiful Mass and luncheon were held in his honor on campus with over 400 friends, family, and members of the Bosco community in attendance. While Fr. Jim has led the school in academic progress and campus growth, his primary focus has been to maintain and strengthen the Salesian charism, mission, and identity as an integral component of student life at Don Bosco Prep. As the school's 22nd director, Fr. Jim has remained dedicated to the building of Don Bosco Prep's students' character and well-being and has led the growth of spirituality and mission on campus. 

The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Timothy Zak, SDB, Provincial, along with priests from the Salesian community and neighboring parishes. Fr. Jim's sister, Teresa, and brother, Tom, offered the gifts of bread and wine. At the conclusion of Mass, words were offered by Mr. Robert Fazio, president, and Mr. Jim Fortescue '91, board chair. Mr. Fazio and Ms. Marilyn Palka, Fr. Jim's longtime assistant, presented gifts to him on behalf of the DBP school community. 

He will be greatly missed at Don Bosco Prep!

June 29, 2021 - 3:00pm

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