By Fr. Richard Alejunas, SDB
(Chicago, IL – August 8) – Fr. Tom spent 11 of his nearly 22 years of Salesian priestly ministry in Chicago! The local Salesians and parish community were in shock when his death was announced on Friday, July 21, at Masses and on social media. Like his family and the entire province, we are still grieving, but as Christians, we move forward in faith. The first reaction of most in Chicago was: “He was just here in January to preach our annual EPC Leadership Retreat!” Fr. Tom’s former collaborators Mrs. Rosa Mata (parish secretary) and Mrs. Angela Madrid (cook) were in tears when I informed them of his passing (both have served the local mission for over 20 years!).
Upon hearing of his death, the newly minted St. John Bosco-St. James Parish scheduled Mass intentions at both churches for his eternal repose and announced a parish-wide Memorial Mass at SJB for Friday, August 4. Mrs. Evelyn Acevedo Camacho (parish office/20-year parishioner) and her family represented the Chicago community at the funeral rites both in Port Chester, NY (Wednesday, July 26) and Goshen, NY (Thursday, July 27). They made the 12-hour road trip from Chicago to New York!
Following his burial in New York, Mrs. Maricela Salazar Villareal (parish leader/volunteer) organized the local community and a nine-day vigil "novenario" of common prayer and public consolation (Thursday, July 27- Friday, August 4) at St. John Bosco Church to honor "Padre Tom." She said: "The entire community is very grateful for Fr. Tom and the Salesians. We are family!" Each day, various parish groups led the 5:45 p.m. CT prayer service before the 7:00 pm CT evening Spanish Mass: Grupo Guadalupano SJB, ADMA SJB, Adoracion Nocturna, Celula Divina Misericordia, Renovacion Carismatica SJB, Celula San Francisco de Asis, Adult Evangelization Team, Grupo SPRED, Matrimonios con Proposito en Cristo, and Esposas Cristianas.
At the Friday, August 4, Memorial Mass nearly four hundred people gathered to celebrate the Holy Mass and share memories of Fr. Tom’s time in Chicago as parochial vicar from 2002-2007, and director/pastor from 2013-2019. As the current pastor, I presided and preached at the Mass. Concelebrants were SDBs: Fr. Jim Berning, Fr. Juan Pablo Rubio, and Fr. Dave Sajdak. Lectors were Mrs. Nieves Lagunas and Mrs. Susi Jacinto. The local parish community has suffered four devastating deaths over the last two weeks, so my homily centered on Jesus’ words of consolation and promise to Martha and Mary upon the death of their brother Lazarus. After that I invited parishioners to share their memories of Fr. Tom; a dozen courageous folks came forward! People laughed and cried at their words. With deep love, their common theme focused on Fr. Tom’s sense of humor, profound priestly availability, and special care for those in the peripheries.
Light refreshments were served in the church narthex after the Mass. The parish’s social justice outreach group Caridades de Cristo Resucitado founded by Fr. Tom in 2016 animated this moment of fellowship and informal sharing. Requiescat in Pace.